Friday, April 4, 2008


I figure since I am not established enough in life to be used to these sorts of things, its still okay for me to get really excited and tell everyone when I get published. Especially when its in a cool news forum like the Common Ground News Service, which strives to publish pieces that will unite rather than divide, and will help build inter-cultural understanding and inter-faith cooperation. SO! Here it is:

My piece is entitled "In their shoes," and for some of my more loyal followers/blood relatives who have to keep up with my previous blogs, you might recognize this story from my old blog during my summer in the West Bank.

Happy Reading and I promise if I have the good fortune of one day being an established professional, I won't continue to brag about various publications. But seeing as that day is a long ways off, for now just be patient as the pathetic, non-accomplished 23 year old blabbers on about these somewhat exciting things in her life. Just smack me around a bit whenever you decide my bragging rights have expired.

1 comment:

Liz said...

you may be 23 but you are certainly not unaccomplished! alf mabruk on the article - very well done!